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January 23, 2025 3:00PM


7th Annual New York City DiCamillo Companion Rendezvous

Thursday, January 23, 2025, 3-5PM

Join Curt DiCamillo, American Ancestors’ Fine Art Curator, for a dive into the amazing story of America’s greatest banker and his intense passion for art and beauty.

3:00-4:00 Lecture by Curt DiCamillo J.P. Morgan: Banker, Collector, Renaissance Prince
4:00-5:00 Reception and signing of Curt's new book A British Country House Alphabet, Volume 1

Colony Club house rules:

Dress Code: Appropriate dress is required in the Clubhouse at all times. Appropriate clothing for women shall include suits, dresses, skirts, tailored slacks, blouses and sweaters. Men must wear jackets, collared shirts and ties.
Electronic Devices: The use of cell phones, laptop computers, iPads, electronic book readers and any other personal electronic devices is strictly prohibited in the Club's public spaces. The silent use of electronic devices is permitted only in the Drawing Room on the First Floor and the Writing Room on 1M. The use of cell phones to make or receive phone calls is permitted in the four telephone booths on the First Floor.
Social Media: Photography is allowed in the Clubhouse for private use only and may not be published in any manner, electronic or otherwise. The conduct of business meetings and the display of business papers is prohibited in the public areas of the Clubhouse. No representative of the press or any other media is permitted in the Clubhouse except in a non-professional capacity. Members and non-members are expressly forbidden to give any information regarding Club matters to any newpaper, periodical or publication or in any way to make such matters public without written permission of the Governing Board. 



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